Get the location of a device using its IP address [Python]

Get the location of a device using its IP address [Python]

Using a geolocation service such as ipapi

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To get the location of a device using its IP address, we can use a geolocation service such as ipapi.

Here is an example of how we can use the ipapi service to get the location of a device in Python:

import requests

# Send a GET request to the ipapi service
r = requests.get('{IP_ADDRESS}/json/')

# Get the response data as a Python dictionary
data = r.json()

# Print the location data

Below is the sample output generated if we use the IP_ADDRESS address as

{'ip': '', 'network': '', 'version': 'IPv4', 'city': 'Bengaluru', 'region': 'Karnataka', 'region_code': 'KA', 'country': 'IN', 'country_name': 'India', 'country_code': 'IN', 'country_code_iso3': 'IND', 'country_capital': 'New Delhi', 'country_tld': '.in', 'continent_code': 'AS', 'in_eu': False, 'postal': '560001', 'latitude': 12.9634, 'longitude': 77.5855, 'timezone': 'Asia/Kolkata', 'utc_offset': '+0530', 'country_calling_code': '+91', 'currency': 'INR', 'currency_name': 'Rupee', 'languages': 'en-IN,hi,bn,te,mr,ta,ur,gu,kn,ml,or,pa,as,bh,sat,ks,ne,sd,kok,doi,mni,sit,sa,fr,lus,inc', 'country_area': 3287590.0, 'country_population': 1352617328, 'asn': 'AS55836', 'org': 'Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited'}

This example sends a GET request to the ipapi service with the IP address of the device, and retrieves the location data as a Python dictionary. The location data includes the latitude, longitude, city, region, country, and other information about the location.

To use this code, we will need to replace {IP_ADDRESS} with the actual IP address of the device. We can also customize the request to retrieve only specific pieces of information by appending them to the URL as query parameters. For example, we can use the ?city parameter to retrieve only the city of the location.

Although there is no API key required, as per the official website, only 1000 lookups are free.

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